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Figure of a Deva Clasping Hands


My name is Natalie. I love empowering clients to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and discover the gentle power of the healing arts. 


It doesn’t matter who you are, what age you are, what capabilities you have or think you don’t have.

Anyone can access treatments to suit your personal needs I am offering a service to help relax , heal and nurture,  caring for yourself and all life through self discovery. 

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I’ve been a dedicated practitioner of holistic medicine since 2003, having over 19 years experience in this field. My certifications include  International work placement Level 5  Thai Massage . ITEC in Anatomy and Physiology and numerous Level 3 VTCT  massage  and healing.


My personal experiences have seen me work  abroad in North Thailand, Chang Mai  Hospital and Retirement community. Africa in Nakuru and locally in Stockport at a  domestic abuse centre and cancer care facility.  Often volunteering my skill set on giving treatments/ massage and healing on designated pamper days for local hospital e.g Dragonfly Palliative Care. 


Whilst in Africa, Kenya , Nakuru I helped deliver hands on support working in the slums with the  vulnerable and destitute often  helping with teaching the children. On return to the UK helped raise awareness and  sponsorship often promoting charity, auction nights. Successfully providing toilet block and new roof to be built from the monies raised.

I have  realised through art holistic therapies that  I found my passion in life and tools in which to help others. 

I love empowering others to understand how they too can  discover the gentle power of the healing arts.

 I am continually working on self discovery and being in the  present  moment which leads me  to "inner wisdom". As such I am always looking to embrace new treatments and therapies into my practice and I believe that continued learning is an  important mantra for any good Holistic Therapist.


I enjoy being able to bridge the gap between holistic and western medicine while providing a safe and nurturing atmosphere in which to heal.

Having travelled all over world visiting the Continents I have been honoured to sit in the  presence and witnessed some amazing teachers e.g tribes from various Shamans in South America , Tribesman and healers in Africa, Elders and Healers in Nevada, North America Hopi Bear and Badger Tribes, Thailand Monks and Moutain People and Eastern Medicine Schools, and  locally in the UK, Great Teachers of Lancaster, Blackpool & Stockport. 


Personally I embrace being  "at one" with nature and my surroundings, blending  of old ways and finding my inner peace accompanied by my 2 labradors dogs Jet Black and Mrs Black. I am able to connect inner guidance and aware of other realms and work with my spirit guides and power animals daily.


My sheer passion to promote positive change into the world  through service , tailoring treatments pertinent individuals

opening the door to a  realm of possibilities , well being and self discovery.


Find your centre of Peace 

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