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Rock Maze

Classes & Courses 

Mind, Body and Soul

Physical and mental wellbeing are of utmost importance to living a healthy life, and require practice and dedication. As such people  need and want the time to change their  daily routine. Centre of Peace provides a service creating a community where participants can self-reflect and reconnect with themselves.  Our Spiritual Classes and courses enable you with holistic tools for you to strengthen your body, mind and soul.

Classes dependant on demand          register your interest 

Tai Chi Class

Tai Chi & Chi Kung

Give yourself  the opportunity to learn Tai Chi or Chi Kung theory and training can be in the great outdoors along with others.


Tai Chi can help as a hobby, rehabilitation or just for the fun of trying something new. Bringing you back into state of balance .


Tai Chi creates space so that you can look at your habits and patterns , and  stresses the natural balance in all things and the need for living in spiritual and physical accord with the patterns of nature oneness of life .


Tai chi is a series of gentle physical exercises and stretches. Each posture flows into the next without pause, ensuring that your body is in constant motion. Tai chi is sometimes described as meditation in motion because it promotes serenity through gentle movements  can clear blockages and alignment of all body systems--- connecting the mind, body and soul.


Help find your balance and wholeness  through sacred Taoist arts , simple movement.


Group lesson taught by a qualified Practitioner.

1 hr    I   £6 

Beginners Meditation

Learn basic practices of meditation promoting peace and healing, cleansing, centring, protecting, balancing.


These peaceful mediative states of being or holistic tools can clear your mind and "live from your heart", through  embracing  breathing exercises, guided journeying, yoga nitra, chanting, whirling, finding your centre of peace.


1 hr   I   £ 6 
1 hr   I   £ 6 
1 hr   I   £ 6 

Shamanic Practice

Connect with your power animal practice the  ancient art of Shamanism.


Learn to go back to your true nature, live the world you dream of?


Connect with the 4 directions North, South, East and West discovering ancestral healing, power retrieval, soul retrieval, Inner child work, down the well, extraction, medicine wheel, psychopomp.


See Shamanic  Healing for more information.

1 hr    I   £6 

Crystal Healing

Are you drawn to rocks and crystals ?


Come learn how to work with your natural rhythms through crystals and rock people frequencies.


See Crystal Healing for more information.

1 hr   I   £6 
Healing Stones

Healing Circle

Come and learn how to channel energy from all around us, healing yourself and others group healing , Give and receive energy ,  bringing harmony to group collective.  


See Healing page for more information.

1 hr    I   £6 
From our Centre of Peace to yours
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