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Find your Centre of Peace 

Overall it is a straightforward service 

that people can access suit their

individual needs.  


Choose from

Spa room  or Mobile to you or Online


massage , healing or reading,


Each service is designed help 

relax , heal,  and self discover.


Ultimately to find your 

‘Centre of Peace.’

Oil Massage


Centre of Peace service for many as a all round stress buster,  

for some its a foundation of broader approach of mindfulness, 

letting go of all our everyday stresses giving us an opportunity to touch base with what it means to be present and in the moment, throughout the day, finding your centre of peace.


For others might be part of a personal development plan towards greater emotional stability, or integrated into a spiritual path or means to  improve a relationships e.g children, friends, colleagues, partners, parents. 


Holistic treatments can provide you with the tools to generate a sense of  well being when incorporated in your personal life to help relieve  stress related health symptoms, chronic anxiety, depression, anger, addiction, compulsive behaviour, insomnia, muscle tension, sexual dysfunction and PMS. 


Using these Holistic tools to target one specific aspect of life, people find "Their Centre of Peace" allowing them the extra edge in a particular discipline, job, hobby, sport and well being.


Overall this service is bespoke to your individual need and wholeness allowing you "let go" of the everyday stresses.



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