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At the centre of your being you have the answer;

you know who you are

and you know what you want.

- Lao Tzu 


Mind, Body and Soul

We know that life can seem like a repetitive cycle of waking up, eating, working and sleeping. And that the daily grind can fill our minds and bodies with negative energy and stress. That’s why Centre of Peace provides safe space dedicated time for  self-exploration, self-discovery. Through practice of shamanic journeying , Reiki or Crystal Healing , Movement of Tai Chi or Chi Kung.

see below further details...

**Plus 30 mins taster session are available make an enquiry further information** 


Shamanic Healing

If you feel a little ‘lost’ in life, have gone through a big trauma or are looking for some clarity on what to do about a difficult situation, bad habits or addiction, any patterns may be causing distress a shamanic healing session could be hugely beneficial. 


Bringing  about healing and transformation connecting you to your own energy fields. Shamanic  journeying  is creating a space for you to return to your natural state , through this treatment healing and spiritual counselling can  help you to enter into world of true self.


A consultation to discuss problem and offer relevant treatment before you begin  any healing.

Tools such as drumming, or other instruments or natural objects to help you into a state to relax and unwind .


Each healing session is different pertinent to the  individual .


You do not have to have any prior understanding  of this popular treatment . The session will go at your pace  in a gentle safe way.


Can include journeying into shamanic worlds, thus connecting with your power animal,  empowerment through power retrieval,  healing , loss essential soul energy can result in soul retrieval healing or  extraction healing , inner child work, Karmic healing, past life issues, Rebalancing assemblage point, psychopomp, ancestral healing, dismemberment, extraction, repossession, Recapitulation, power objects, directions to heal. 

1 hr 30 mins I £40 

Reiki Healing

It is effective in treating both mental and physical problems, restoring balancing and harmony. A sense of deep relaxation is usually felt.


Japanese hands on healing techniques using life force energy, transferring energy through palm hands to patient or can be done via distant healing.  


It focuses on 72,000 life energy pathways within  body viewed as rivers of energy and major and minor chakra’s. or energy centers, acting like whirlpools in the river. The 7 major chakras are situated along the centerline, while minor chakras are all over the body. 


I found this to be a  popular treatment through local hospital carers days , palliative care and with cancer patients. 

1 hr   I   £40 
Reiki Treatment

Crystal Healing 

Crystals are placed on body or massaged crystals help unblock, balance and direct energy where it is most needed, gently supporting the body to heal in a therapeutic way.


Different types of crystals are thought to have different properties and energies.


Just holding and being near these crystals is therefore affect our own energies on a physical, spiritual and emotional level.


Using natural healing frequencies of Crystals. Our human body and cells vibrate at its own frequency . When these frequencies become unbalanced, we experience problems and illnesses. Crystals harmonise and balance the bodies frequencies back to optimum, healthy levels.

1 hr   I   £40 

Tai Chi or Chi Kung One to One Movement Healing

Tai Chi will provide the vehicle to fulfil your desire. 


Tai Chi can help as a hobby, rehabilitation or just for the fun of trying something new. Bringing you back into state of balance .


 Tai Chi creates space so that you can look at your habits and patterns , and  stresses the natural balance in all things and the need for living in spiritual and physical accord with the patterns of nature oneness of life .


Tai chi is a series of gentle physical exercises and stretches. Each posture flows into the next without pause, ensuring that your body is in constant motion. Tai chi is sometimes described as meditation in motion because it promotes serenity through gentle movements  can clear blockages and alignment of all body systems--- connecting the mind, body and soul.


Give yourself  the opportunity to learn Tai Chi or Chi Kung theory and training at your own personal pace with sessions being tailored to your aims and requirements. Private or group lesson taught by a qualified Practitioner.


Help find your balance through sacred Taoist arts , simple movement.

1 hr   I   £40 
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