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Rock Maze

If you get the inside right ,

the outside will fall info place

-Eckhart Tolle


Mind, Body and Soul

40 mins  I   £60 

What the reading gives you …Tremendous opportunity for healing, freeing in that moment, vulnerability and everything for your highest good is revealed. 


A Soul Reading will change your perspective, limiting beliefs , empowering and giving you the ability to trust in your own inner voice and enabling you to overcome challenges.


See yourself through the eyes and heart of your soul 

what is your Soul essence waiting to say to you?


A Soul Reading is a deeper understanding of yourself and your potential as well as examining some unconscious parts of yourself. Can help to reveal the unconscious into conscious. Can bring about powerful transformation, enabling you to change physical and emotional patterns whilst allowing healing to take place. 


Sometimes specific practices are given to assist the balancing and integration of the higher energy system in to the physical life and to heal past karmic influences and patterns.  Out of the realm or karma and into realm of possibilities. Reading energy field around you,  energy in motion.


Centre of Peace food for the Soul
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