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Further About..

Centre of Peace provides a service learning to live in the moment,

connecting with your centre of peace. 

 which is  important and relevant in todays climate,

most people do not live they exist .

No-one wants to suffer or be in pain but life has away of weighing down on our chests, creating tension in our necks, and welling up in our eyes. It causes us shortness of breath and makes us wince when we pay attention to it.

The feeling of searching for a job when you know there isn’t one,

Or seeing a loved one slip away into the night as you feel powerless to help them.

Or generally knowing you just aint happy.

They are physical and present. They are happening right now and you can feel it in your bones.

Plus we reach out for help and surrounded by the truths of Global warming,  Mass poverty,  Corrupt governments,  Broken economies. This is what it feels like to be living through the global transition of humanity.

I have decided to approach my health by regular having Indian Head massage with Natalie. I have never felt so good.  I have recommended her to friends. Who also have enjoyed treatments.

Adele,  Stockport

I would like let you know that I have received healing treatment from Natalie and I found it very powerful and noticed how it had positive impact on my day to day life . Natalie has deep intuition and gentle guidance . I like the way I was given tools to work with before our next session.

Kim, Manchester

Natalie is a really gifted Soul reader, I have had a few readings with her now. Each time she helped me see my gifts in ways I had never seen them before and helped guide me into a deeper understanding of my life purpose. 


She also helped me build confidence in my own intuition, connecting with my guides and showing me the clear way forward with my life and my own spiritual growth and healing.


Natalie is deeply intuitive and I would highly recommend having a reading with her.

Graeme, Glastonbury

I enjoyed being pampered by Natalie whilst being pregnant having massage treatments and she makes me feel very nurtured and allows me stop still and relax. I recommend her as truly is a treat if you book in with her.

Emma , Stockport


The sessions I've experienced with Natalie have been nothing short of profound.She is highly gifted.  The soul readings, coupled with shamanic therapies, have brought me such powerful guidance and awareness of the root cause of issues I've been hampered by for a long time.  Nat helped me to understand, and work on, specific aspects that have brought about greater clarity and significant healing.  I  have had shamanic healing with Natalie who works with such skilfulness and tenacity, gently helping me to become more aware of key emotional and behavioral patterns.  Each time I was given guidance and practices to complete in between the sessions. Her encouragement and support has been such a gift to me throughout the journey.

I am sincerely grateful for the experience, which has been life changing.  And so, without question, I highly recommend Natalie and her powerful sessions

Steve, Northerndon

I’ve enjoyed the privilege of having a soul reading with Natalie a number of times. It is a most profound and transformational experience. Natalie is an exceptionally gifted soul reader. She has a great way of tapping into the subtle truths of your life, and in the process bring the best out in you. With Natalie you’re in great hands as she’s a gifted reader and also a talented and skilled healer which results in an amazing healing experience. Natalie has helped me to see my unconscious aspects and how past life experiences still impact my life today. With her gentle skilfulness, I’ve been able to put many of these issues behind me now which means I can open to the fullness of what life holds for me now. Natalie has also helped me connect with my spirit guide in a real tangible way. She’s also made me aware of my own latent gifts and potential and so has  awakened new insights in myself. Natalie guides you to bring these gifts and potentials through in a practical way so your life takes on a new magical direction. I can highly recommend a reading with Natalie. It will be priceless, eye-opening, transformational experience and it will change how you feel about yourself and your life in surprisingly wonderful ways. 

Narina, Lakes District

Kim, Manchester

I am retired and a carer and recently started having regular treatments with Natalie. I like to have Aromatherapy  massage is a  'life saver' at times when im not sleeping this helps me to sleep, ( and sometimes drift off on the massage table) I also enjoy reflexology foot massage and I have alternative  treatment once a week, This is my 'time out' as Natalie says so I really find it gives me back my vitality and I go to her with aches and pains and come out walking on air.  Its nice to go out to the  spa room, I find going to her very private and relaxing and peaceful. I am starting to learn to put me first. 

June, Wythenshawe

"I've had a few different healing sessions online with Natalie. Usually a mixture of Soul Reading and Shamanic Healing. This work she does for me is incredibly powerful . I can feel the healing happening as she uses the gift of her own light to connect with pure healing energies, and the healing continues long after our sessions have finished. She has helped to put me in touch with my true self, boosting my self belief and sense of worth, which has been invaluable on my journey to let my own light shine. In my eyes, she is an absolute star . Thank you Natalie 

Sophie , Nottingham

Centre of Peace one size fits all...

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